Deadlines & Fees

ICGET2023 uses the EasyChair conference manager. All submissions should be made through the platform. Information about participation fees for different categories of participants is presented below. Please contact the secretariat if you require any help with, or need more information or clarification on submission, registrations, etc.
International Participants [Presenters]
Conference Pack
Refreshment & Lunch
1 City Tour
Conference eProceedings
1 Publication
Certificate of Presentation
International Participants [Non-Presenters]
Conference Pack
Refreshment & Lunch
1 City Tour
Conference eProceedings
No Publication
Certificate of Attendance
Local Participants
Conference Pack
Refreshment & Lunch
1 City Tour
Conference eProceedings
1 Publication
Certificate of Presentation
Virtual Participants
Conference Pack
Refreshment & Lunch
1 City Tour
Conference eProceedings
1 Publication
(e)Certificate of Presentation
Local Participants/ Virtual Non-Presenters
International: $120
Conference Pack
Refreshment & Lunch
1 City Tour
Conference eProceedings
No Publication
Certificate of Attendance
+ What is the registration fee for the conference?
Standard registration fee for the conference for local participants and international participants is available above. Please check here for prices for various participant category.
+ How can I submit my research paper/abstract for presentation?
You can submit your research paper or abstract through the conference website. There will be a submission portal where you can upload your files and provide the required information.
+ Is it compulsory to submit abstract before my full paper?
No. You can submit your full research paper at any time it is available until the deadline. If your full paper is not ready, you can submit your Abstract during the Abstract submission period until the dealine date indicated. Please see the conference registration page for applicable deadlines. There will be a submission portal where you can upload your files and provide the required information.
+ Is there any discount for early bird registration?
Early bird discounts may be available; please check on the conference website for more details on registration and pricing.
+ Are there any travel grants or financial assistance available for participants?
There are no travel grants or financial assistance for participants in this conference. If they become available, it will be published on the conference website. Please check the website from time-to-time for detailed information on such opportunities.
+ Can I present my research remotely via video conferencing?
There are very limited opportunities for virtual presentations; it will be assigned on first-come-first-served basis to participants whose papers have been accepted. Please contact the conference secretariat for more information on this.
+ Will my paper be published? If so, in which journal or publication?
Yes, all submissions shall be published in the conference proceedings. All accepted papers will also be published in Scopus-indexed journals. For further information partner journals, please see the conference publication page.
Can I submit more than 1 paper to the conference?
Yes, you can submit more than 1 paper, and all will be published in the conference proceedings BUT only one (1) submission is covered by 1 registration. Publication of your additional paper in Scopus-indexed journals attracts additional payment. For further information please see the conference’s publication page.
+ What are the accommodation options near the conference venue, and are there any special rates available for conference attendees?
Please see the ‘Venue‘ page on the conference website for the location and a list of potential accommodations near the venue. Special rates and discounts may be available for conference attendees. We will provide an update when relevant information becomes available.